Fund Your Future Startup With Launching an ICO

Initial Coin Offerings or ICO achieved exponential growth in last 2 years. Keep aside the entire venture capital funding; ICOs have emerged as the best and easiest option for fundraising. As per the reports, startups raised more than $5.6 billion through ICO launch in the year 2017. According to CrunchBase, the number of ICOS raised in 2017 and first two months of 2018 is smaller compared to venture capital rounds announced by Blockchain and the Blockchain related companies. However, despite being smaller in number, the funding events initiated by ICO the launch on average attract much more capital compared to average venture capital funding rounds. During the last 14 months, Blockchain and related companies were successful in raising about $1.3 billion through worldwide venture capital rounds. Nevertheless, ICOs were aggressive raising nearly $4.5 billion during the same period. How Does ICO Work? Before diving deep to understand how I...